Avoid the sugar coma and try these recipes instead!

Take the stress (and bloating!) out of the holidays!

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    What is lurking in all those traditional pretty, jewel-toned drinks and mouth-watering plates is often sugar, sugar, and more sugar topped with an alarmingly large scoop of fat! Sugar and fat are two things that are no bueno for your gut.

    We’re talking weight gain, insulin resistance, constipation, diarrhea, food sensitivities, acne, weird rashes, and brain fog all the live-long day. And those are just some of the immediate effects!

    Hi, I’m Lindsay. I spend my days scouring the internet for delicious, festive, mostly healthy recipes so you don’t have to. I love this stuff! So let me do it for you! Download your FREE ebook today and take the stress - and bloating - out of this holiday season!